Video Masterclass:

Watch Anytime, Anywhere Immediate Access, On-Demand

Life can get pretty crazy, right?

Stress and anxiety often crash the party, messing with our focus, messing up our productivity,

and throwing a wrench into our relationships. Sound familiar?

Life can get pretty crazy, right?

Stress and anxiety often crash the party, messing with our focus, messing up our productivity, and throwing a wrench into our relationships. Sound familiar?

Do These Sound Familiar?

  • Career Blues: Stress can mess with your work mojo, making it tough to climb that career ladder and stifling your creative spark.

  • Health Hits: Stress isn't just in your head; it can show up in your body, causing sleep troubles, headaches, and even more serious health stuff.

  • Health Hits: Stress isn't just in your head; it can show up in your body, causing sleep troubles, headaches, and even more serious health stuff.

  • Limiting Beliefs: Ever feel like stress is whispering negativity in your ear, making you doubt your own awesome potential?

Register in this

Life-Changing Masterclass!!

I get it; stress and anxiety are like those annoying sidekicks.

But Here's The Twist

After experiencing the debilitating symptoms of anxiety and stress growing up and after working with numerous clients, I’m here to show you how to make them work for you, not against you.

What You'll Get:

  • Real-World Strategies: Practical tools that actually work in the messiness of everyday life.

  • Feel-Good Vibes: Kiss those physical stress symptoms goodbye, and say hello to a healthier, happier you.

  • Mindset Magic: Kick those limiting beliefs to the curb and embrace a mindset that screams "I got this!"

Why Choose this Masterclass:

We're not about just skimming the surface; we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of transforming stress and anxiety into the stuff success is made of.

Time to stop letting stress call the shots. Ready to flip the script?

This masterclass will be delivered by:

Dr. Marinette Asuncion - Uy, PSY.D.

This masterclass will be delivered by: Dr. Marinette Asuncion - Uy, PSY.D.

I’m also known as “Dr. Nette”

I'm here to be your guide to transformative learning and self-discovery.

I'm a Filipino American Clinical Psychologist based in Florida.

I was born and raised in the Philippines and arrived in the United States as a young adult.

I've dedicated my life to understanding human behavior and how our brain works because I also experienced the debilitating symptoms of anxiety and trauma growing up.

With a deep commitment to empowering individuals and communities, I have dedicated my career to promoting holistic well-being and challenging the narratives shaping mental health within the Filipino context.

Secure Your Spot Now!

Video Masterclass:

Watch Anytime, Anywhere Immediate Access, On-Demand

This Masterclass is 60-minutes.

VALUE OF: $500!!!

Your investment: ONLY $19.97!!!

(This is a small investment in your mental health that will have BIG rewards!!! You are worth it!)

Turning Anxiety & Stress Into Your Superpower

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Empowering Filipino Mental Health by Reclaiming Our Narratives


Disclaimer: The information presented in this masterclass is intended for educational and informational purposes only.

It does not substitute for professional psychological or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.